Grant’s Springbuck and many many more
Grant’s amazing Springbuck trophy was soon followed with a “few” more good trophies: Laughter and good times under the African sky Grant added a Kudu, Gemsbuck, Duiker, Zebra, Eland, Bontebok and Blue Wildebeest to his trophy collection! Good hunting!
Michael hunts with us after seeing us on the Outdoor Channel
After watching one of the Adventures Abroad shows on the Outdoor channel (another one coming up this month – we will keep you posted on the website), Michael changed hunting plans to come and hunt with Hunt The Sun. Michael’s trophies included this Kudu A warthog (the tusks will make great souvenirs of South Africa) A…
Three Days FOUR Trophies
  Jeff Queen hunted hard for three days, bagging four trophies   Including a Springbuck, Gemsbuck, Blesbuck and Kudu. Four very worthy trophies for Jeff to take back to the USA.
Ivan’s Kudu Bull
April 2009:Â Â Ivan Turland with his perfectly symmetrical Kudu Bull, PH Dave with Hunting Outfitter Mike Birch.
Anders’ Kudu
April 2009:Â Anders Bromar shot this beautiful Kudu bull with his .375HH Mage with PH Mike and tracker dog Puppy.
Lance’s Kudu
June 2009: Lance absolutely nailed this Kudu from a Kopjie with his Kimber .338. In his honour this Kopjie is now called “Lance’s Kopjie”.