Tag: Kudu

  • Grant’s Springbuck and many many more

    Grant’s amazing Springbuck trophy was soon followed with a “few” more good trophies: Laughter and good times under the African sky Grant added a Kudu, Gemsbuck, Duiker, Zebra, Eland, Bontebok and Blue Wildebeest to his trophy collection! Good hunting!  

  • Michael hunts with us after seeing us on the Outdoor Channel

    After watching one of the Adventures Abroad shows on the Outdoor channel (another one coming up this month – we will keep you posted on the website), Michael changed hunting plans to come and hunt with Hunt The Sun. Michael’s trophies included this Kudu A warthog (the tusks will make great souvenirs of South Africa) A…

  • Three Days FOUR Trophies

       Jeff Queen hunted hard for three days, bagging four trophies     Including a Springbuck, Gemsbuck, Blesbuck and Kudu. Four very worthy trophies for Jeff to take back to the USA.

  • Ivan’s Kudu Bull

    April 2009:   Ivan Turland with his perfectly symmetrical Kudu Bull, PH Dave with Hunting Outfitter Mike Birch.

  • Anders’ Kudu

    April 2009:  Anders Bromar shot this beautiful Kudu bull with his .375HH Mage with PH Mike and tracker dog Puppy.

  • Lance’s Kudu

    June 2009:  Lance absolutely nailed this Kudu from a Kopjie with his Kimber .338.  In his honour this Kopjie is now called “Lance’s Kopjie”.